Category: <span>NCCC News</span>

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 9th September 2024

A) Introductions & Apologies
Attendees: Simon Taylor, Marcus Hearle, Jeremy Griffiths, Laura Baskeyfield, Martin Lewis (Ride
Captain), Stewart Watson, Simon Jones, Rachel Davies
Apologies: Jason Holder, Andrew Bray, Henry Eve, Simon Richards, Martin Lewis (Membership), Paul
B) Approval of Previous Minutes
C) Review Matters Arising & Actions
i) Pricing for NCCC Casual wear (hoody) confirmed at £30.00. JG also to arrange for a
sample for committee review and members to see before placing an order – still
ii) No progress with venue options for Go-Ride. ML (Membership) suggested site outside
Moreton, along Todenham road. Simon Jones to investigate this site. JG to pick up fire
service college site with William Paul, club member, to investigate if this is a viable
option for the club to pursue again.
iii) SJ has issued the club constitution to committee members with mudguard “rule”
included. Committee have agreed to the wording. This is now ready for distribution in
advance of the AGM.
iv) Ride Leader course on the 13th July all went well. Feedback from participants was very
v) Club ride leader spreadsheet in operation. This has marginally improved with the new
ride leaders. Ride owners of each group will be communicated to club members.
vi) Treasures report – included update on club kit outlay (~£1200). All caps have now sold,
only 4 tops remain. Most sales to club members.
vii) Local race list – still pending. HE to provide an update, for going into the next racing
viii) Picnic ride very successful. Riders arriving timed extremely well. However, did clash
with HONC and a couple of club members were lost to this other ride.
ix) SW to contact Isobel Hunter on historic rides. More notice required for club members in
order for them to participate
D) Chairman / Vice Chairman’s Report
Chairman – Stewart Watson
i) Resignation of social secretary, Paul Fint, to general club committee member. Succession
plan to be agreed within the committee.
ii) Club Kit coordinator, Sam Davie, is no longer doing this role with BioRacer. New
contacts lead required. Process is for committee to agree when we open a window
(twice per year) and email BioRacer. JG to provide SJ with Russel’s details in order to
take on this role within the committee.
iii) Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 24th November
iv) BC Logo on NCCC website needs updating from HSBC branding. ML to contact Ian for
the logo to be updated on the clubs website.
v) Stewart Watson to resign as Chair, due to relocating up North in early October. SJ to
take over the position as chair in the interim period until AGM. SW will notify club
members via club WhatsApp group tomorrow (10/09/24).
Vice Chairman – Simon Jones
vi) SJ had received a mail from BC on ways to make the club more inclusive for people with
disabilities. SJ at attend the course in Swindon.
E) Club Secretary & Any Correspondence – Laura Baskeyfield
i) Monthly ladies rides are going well. ~15 people out turning out for the last one, with
50% wanting to ride the longer / faster option. Feedback from leaders, is riders are
more than capable for the Saturday café ride or Sunday group 3. Thanks to Isobel, Lisa,
Cath and Patricia for supporting with these rides.
ii) Will look to repeat the couch to 50K, starting in Jan 2025.
F) Treasurer – Marcus Hearle
Club balance = £5,995
Picnic ride = £375
G) Ride Captain – Martin Lewis
i) Rides have been busy and it’s been great to see club rides and the variety of rides so well
ii) ST to do a final grand day out in September. ML will link up with ST and advertise this on
iii) Gravel rides have now finished. Chain gang / pace line to continue with lights, at the
discretion of ride leaders.
iv) When rides are cancelled in the winter, the café will trial virtual rides on a turbo session
in the shop upstairs. Open this up for club members could come and do Zwift if they
wanted – 5+ bikes available.
v) Cancellation of rides due to weather will be agreed via club committee and
communicated by the Ride Captain.
H) Race Secretary – Jason Holder
I) Digital & Social Media Officer
J) Youth Development Officer
K) Welfare Officer – Simon Jones
L) Membership Secretary – Martin Lewis
i) Current club membership stands at: 209 (157 are British Cycling Members)
68% Male / 25% Female / 7% unspecified
M) Social Secretary – Henry Eve
N) General Committee
JG – Parish council meeting at Oddington, raised issues with cyclists within the village. ML to remind
riders to be courteous during ride briefings and ensure riders don’t get left behind.
ML – Been flagged that a picnic ride group had been spotted riding 3 abreast.
O) Future Events & Initiatives
P) AOB & Date of Next Meeting
Next Meeting = Monday 4th November 7pm @ Revolution Café, Cotswold Cycles

Minutes of NCCC Committee Meeting held 1st July 2024


A) Introductions & Apologies

Attendees: Stewart Watson, Simon Jones, Simon Taylor, Martin Lewis (Ride Captain RC), Jeremy Griffiths,Andrew Bray, Marcus Hearle, Henry Eve and Rachael Davies

Apologies: -Laura Baskeyfield, Paul Flint, Simon Richards, Jason Holder and Martin Lewis (Membership Secretary MC).

B) Approval of Previous Minutes


C) Review Matters Arising & Actions

i) Club Casual Wear (Hoodies & T Shirts: Jeremy is arranging for a sample.

ii) Go Ride: Simon to link up with Martin Lewis (MC) re site next to Toddenham Road

iii) Constitution: Simon to recirculate in readiness for AGM.

iv) Ride Leader Course: next one will be on the 13th July, fully booked

v) Ride Lead Sheets: Martin (RC) asked that ride leaders fill in as far in advance as they

can, so he doesn’t have to keep scrabbling around on a Friday

D) TreasurersReport

The bank balance is £6742 but we are about to lay out £1200 on Club Kit which will be held in the shop available for purchase by any member of the club

E) Ride Captain’s Report

We are getting good numbers on rides.

Martin asked that one club member per class of ride take responsibility for ensuring each category of ride has a ride leader (and where needed a planned route).

       It was proposed as follows: –

• Group 1 – Martin Lewis (RC)

• Group 2 – Marcus Hearle

• Group 3 – Stewart Watson

• Group 4 – Simon Jones

• Wednesday Café Ride – Ian Humphrey

• Saturday Café Ride – Jan Thompson

• Saturday 10:30 20-mile ride – Csaba Kalo

• Female Ride – Laura Baskeyfield

• Thursday Gravel Ride – Marcus Hearle

• Paceline – Ian Humphrey

• Chain Gang – Will Biggert

On the last Saturday in the month, starting in July, the 10:30 ride will start at 10:00 and include a coffee stop. First ride in July to be led by Simon Jones. (NB Paul Flint, can you advertise the ride and especially the earlier start please?).

Mudguard Rule

All riders shall fit a rear mudguard whilst riding on club rides during winter, late Autumn and early Spring.

The mudguard rule will generally come into force at the end of British Summer Time (BST), in late October and again look to be removed when BST begins at the end of March each year.

The Committee shall inform club members in advance of when the rule commences and ends dependant on the prevailing weather and road conditions at the time.

The Committee will enforce the mudguard rule during the period the rule is in place. Any rider not having a suitable rear mudguard will not be permitted to join club rides.

A rear mudguard must be of sufficient length, at least finishing level with the rear axle so that water spray is not directed onto the following rider. Riders are also recommended to use a front mudguard for added protection.

F) RaceSecretary’sReport

In Jasons absence Henry volunteered to put together a list of local races that members might like to either enter or go and observe.

Membership Secretary’s Report

Latest info from BC membership.

Total number of members 194

• Male 135 – 69.59%

• Female 48 – 24.74%

• Unspecified 11 – 5.67%

G) Social Secretary’s Report.

As well as the Bastille Day Barbeque on the 14th July there will be the Picnic Ride on the 1st September.

Marcus to plan new routes and start times.

H) FutureEvents

Isobel Hunter is considering developing historic rides visiting a place of historic interest each time.

I) Any Other Business

Stewart described his recent TV premier filming as part of “Escape to the Country” to be screen in a few months’ time. He was interviewed in club kit, in Stow, extolling the virtues of the north Cotswolds as a cycling venue.

Use of the Shop toilet facilities:

Jeremy requested that riders do not presume that they can use the café/shops toilet when the café/shop itself is not open. Martin will add a note to the weekly ride instruction.

There was a general discussion, not minuted, regrading to fabulous relationship the club has with the shop and the café.

J) Next meeting

9th September at 7:00 at Cotswold Cycles Shop & Cafe

NCCC Summer BBQ & Ride


🚴‍♂️ It’s stage 15 of the Tour de France

🇫🇷 It’s Bastille Day

😎 It’s the NCCC Summer Social BBQ/Ride Day

Come and join us as we celebrate Bastille Day with a Tour de France themed ride and BBQ after 🇫🇷🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️! This won’t be any ordinary club ride, KOM & QOM prizes will be on offer (route and climb details tbc), post ride re-fueling will be courtesy of the legendary Flip Side who will be cooking up burgers and sides for everyone.

– Tickets are £10 from link below

– Family and friends are welcome

– A bar will be available, serving up various beverages, with all proceeds raised going to Midlands Air Ambulance

Watch out 👀 for the ride information which will be sent via email and WhatsApp in normal way shortly


Women Riders increasing on our club rides! 🙌🚴‍♀️

It’s worth a mention that Sunday’s (9th June) Group 4 was made up of 9 riders in total of which 5 were women 🙌. It was great to see and a real credit to all of the fab Breeze Ride Leaders 👏 and of our course our own fantastic women leaders and role models who have been absolutely instrumental in seeing the club with so many women riders. It’s another big shout out to you all and a big NCCC welcome to all our our women members 👏🚴‍♀️☕️🍰

We’re on Cotswold Radio 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️👌



Big thank you to Simon Read, Annabelle Belcher, and all of the wonderful team at Cotswold Radio for hosting Jeremy Griffiths from Cotswold Cycles/The Revolution Cafe and Paul Flint from North Cotswold Cycling Club (pictured above) on your monthly business forum live broadcast this morning 🙏.

It was an absolute pleasure to come along and talk about all of the fabulous things that we collectively offer to the Cotswold cycling community 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️.

It certainly provided us with another platform to promote all the wonderful facilities and activities that we share together under one roof as a shop, cafe and cycling club 🙌☕️🍰🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️

Minutes from Committee Meeting 13th May 2024



A) Introductions & Apologies

Attendees: Simon Taylor, Marcus Hearle, Jeremy Griffiths, Laura Baskeyfield, Andrew Bray, Martin

Lewis (Ride Captain), Stewart Watson, Martin Lewis (Membership), Simon Richards, Henry Eve,

Rachel Davies

Apologies: Paul Flint, Simon Jones, Jason Holder

B) Approval of Previous Minutes


C) Review Matters Arising & Actions

i) Pricing for NCCC Casual wear (hoody) confirmed at £30.00. JG to gauge interest for this

from members via a poll on the clubs WhatsApp. JG also to arrange for a sample for

committee review and members to see before placing an order.

ii) No progress with venue options for Go-Ride. SW confirmed Upper Rissington was not an

option. LB to share the details of the BC –

“summer of cycling” grant, which offers up to

£250 for youth initiatives.

iii) Club jumble sale went well. £307 donated to Midland Air Ambulance, with the remaining

stock donated to Cyclists Fighting Cancer store.

iv) Members handbook / club constitution update is still a WIP. Committee to agree they

are happy with the wording before the AGM towards to end of the year.

v) Club ride leader spreadsheet in operation. BC RL1 course will take place on Saturday 13th

July for 10 club members. SJ to confirm the dates for longer Saturday 10:30 rides with a

café stop. ML to purchase additional first aid kits for Cotswold Cycles and the

Wednesday ride for the club to reimburse.

D) Chairman / Vice Chairman’s Report – Stewart Watson

i) CPR and Bleed Course with Midlands Air Ambulance was well attended. Feedback from

participants was positive.

ii) Club kit ordering window will remain at twice a year. However the committee agreed

that the club will purchase some stock (short sleeve jersey and caps) as a one-off order.

NCCC card reader to be left at the shop for purchases to be made against.

iii) Action plan now in place following club survey feedback – updates will be sent out in

due course.

iv) NCCC radio appearance will now be on Thursday 30th May.

v) Club social with a French “theme” to be held on Sunday 14th July, coinciding with TDF

mountain stage and Bastille Day. LB to organize with committee to include BBQ, KOM


vi) Saturday café ride frequently splitting into two groups due to large numbers. The

committee agreed to run the rides as it is – making leaders available for both groups. If

group is not split, then ride will default to slower speed. ML to respond to Jan on the


vii) Isobel Hunter has offered to lead rides of a historic interest on a ad-hoc basis. Dates still

TBC with IH.

viii) Active discussion on the enforcement of mudguards. NCCC Committee will inform

members when the rule is to be commence, and this rule will be enforced during the

period. The committee will also inform members when the rule ends. Any rider not

having a suitable mudguard will not be permitted to join rides

E) Club Secretary & Any Correspondence – Laura Baskeyfield

British cycling ride leader course will be held on Saturday 13th July at Oddington village hall. Final

details in progress.

F) Treasurer – Marcus Hearle

Updated club financial plan had been communicated to the committee prior to the meeting.

Club balance = £6,890

G) Ride Captain – Martin Lewis

It was noted that finding ride leaders was sometimes becoming a problem. Despite a strong “pool”

of ride leaders, the volume of rides currently going out is quickly absorbing them. Agreed to review

after the RL1 course in July. In the meantime, it was requested that any ride leaders in the current

WhatsApp group update their availability in the spreadsheet.

Following social media posts with regards to local cycling clubs ride etiquette, ML agreed to reiterate

rules around overtaking horses and pedestrians during one of the Sunday club rides.


H) Race Secretary – Jason Holder

I) Digital & Social Media Officer

J) Youth Development Officer

K) Welfare Officer – Simon Jones

L) Membership Secretary – Martin Lewis

Current club membership stands at: 188

71% Male / 24% Female / 5% unspecified

M) Social Secretary

HE offered to support with the organization of the club social event on the 14th July.

N) General Committee

Dates of next meeting and minutes to be uploaded to club’s website.

O) Future Events & Initiatives

P) AOB & Date of Next Meeting

Next Meeting = Monday 1st July 7pm @ Revolution Café, Cotswold Cycles

Committee Meeting Minutes from 11th March 2024



A) Introductions & Apologies

Attendees: Simon Taylor, Marcus Hearle, Jeremy Griffiths, Laura Baskeyfield, Andrew Bray, Simon

Jones, Martin Lewis (Ride Captain), Stewart Watson, Jason Holder, Paul Flint

Apologies:, Martin Lewis (Membership), Simon Richards, Henry Eve, Rachel Davies

B) Approval of Previous Minutes


C) Review Matters Arising & Actions

i) Club Affiliation status until 31st Dec 2024 confirmed with BC.

ii) CPR and Bleed Course with Midlands Air Ambulance will take place on the 23rd March.

15/20 places currently confirmed. Tea and Coffee will be provided in the village hall.

iii) Following club interest in NCCC Casual wear, JG will look into pricing options for


iv) Still looking at venue options for Go-Ride. SW to chase Upper Rissington.

v) Member club Kit order window has now closed. Kit will be delivered end March / early


vi) Next cycle jumble sale will be held on Saturday 4th May. SJ to organize.

vii) Club constitution update is still a WIP. SJ to provide a draft for review.

viii) Club ride leader spreadsheet has now been circulated. LB to add AB to ride leader

WhatsApp group and gauge interest in a further ride leader course.

D) Chairman / Vice Chairman’s Report – Stewart Watson / Simon Jones

• Annual club dinner was well received by members, with a sell out event at Cotswold Cycles

and ~£300 raised for Midlands Air Ambulance through the raffle. Feeback was extremely

positive, in particular regarding the food organized by The Revolution Café. The committee

agreed to continue with future events at the same location.

• Following the NCCC and Cotswold Cycles club survey and action plan will be put into place to

address some of the comments and suggestions that were put forward.

• SW will be appearing on North Cotswold Radio on Thursday 21st March, thanks to PF

organizing. PF was hopeful that this would lead to addition opportunities in the future.

• Provisionally agreed to hold a grand tour social event for the Tour De France on Bastille Day

– 14th July.

• The chairman agreed to park ordering of club kit for stock holding temporarily. In parallel

SW agreed to reach out to Sam to provide a breakdown of orders with regards to size and

get clarification on the club order window.

• Reliability ride will be held on Sunday March 24th

. PF to publish on social media.

• The Vice Chair proposed a longer 10:30 ride (~25 miles with a café stop) on the last Saturday

of every month. LB noted that this was the clubs introductory rides, so the ride leader must

be mindful of any new rider that may turn up for this

E) Club Secretary & Any Correspondence – Laura Baskeyfield

Ladies only C250K series had been a huge success, with ~15 people completing the full 8 weeks of

rides. To help increase the clubs female membership and keep momentum from the series, LB

proposed a monthly ladies only ride on the first Saturday of every month. Those attending must join

the club, for insurance purposes, and ride leaders to be provided for at least 2 groups. Depending on

the success, a further club social event in keeping with the Tour De Femme in August could be an


F) Treasurer – Marcus Hearle

Club financial plan had been communicated to the commute prior to the meeting.

The committee agreed to allocate ~£750 per year for ride leader / first aid course on an alternating

basis. The chairman proposed an increase of membership fees, from £10 to £15, which the

committee agreed.

JG suggested a gravel sportive as a revenue generating event.

G) Ride Captain – Martin Lewis

ML commented that it had been a difficult winter with regards to rides, and a number had

unfortunately been cancelled due to poor weather.

There had been some feedback on ride etiquette, with riders not meeting the advertised club ride

speeds. ML agreed to reiterate the ride speeds in the weekly ride comms.

H) Race Secretary – Jason Holder

JG looking to organize, both a Strava and Individual club challenge. The reliability ride will form the

base of this, with a challenge to tie in with the planned social events.

I) Digital & Social Media Officer

Updated photos are still required for the clubs website. Will aim to get a club picture in new kit at

the Reliability Ride in March.

PF to talk to ML with regards to new member communications.

J) Youth Development Officer

K) Welfare Officer – Simon Jones

L) Membership Secretary – Martin Lewis

Current club membership stands at: 171.

74% Male / 24% Female / 4% unspecified

M) General Committee

• ST offered to run a repeat of last years longer rides. Starting end of May.

• It was agreed that the following rides would provisionally be restarted: Paceline – 16th April,

Gravel – 18th April, Chain Gang – 19th April. All weather dependent.

• It was noted there was a requirement for a First Aid kit to be left in Kingham for availability

on the Wednesday rides.

N) Future Events & Initiatives

O) AOB & Date of Next Meeting

Next Meeting = Monday 13th May 7pm @ Revolution Café, Cotswold Cycles

Announcing our Women Only Rides

With the recent overwhelming success from the Women Only Couch to 50K Series the club are delighted to announce that there will be an additional Women Only ride, beginning Saturday 6th April 2024 at 10am.

The rides will be held on a monthly basis, on the first Saturday of every month, with will two groups to cater for all abilities (group 1 – 14/15mph avg / group 2 – 10/12mph avg). Distances will be ~20-30 mile routes.

The rides will be official NCCC rides and held for club members. New riders to the club will be welcome to come and try the rides,but will need to become club members thereafter (for insurance purposes).

Women Only Events

“It’s Women Only time coming up”

Diaries out then!

Women Only Bike Maintenance Evening.

Thursday 28th March 7-9pm.

Drinks and snacks will also be available from the Revolution Cafe.

Women Only Rides – beginning Saturday 6th April 2024 at 10am.

The rides will be held on a monthly basis, on the first Saturday of every month, with will two groups to cater for all abilities (group 1 – 14/15mph avg / group 2 – 10/12mph avg). Distances will be ~20-30 mile routes.

The rides will be official NCCC rides and held for club members. New riders to the club will be welcome to come and try the rides,but will need to become club members thereafter (for insurance purposes).

To reserve your places on the Bike Maintance either call in to the shop or confirm via WhatsApp to Jeremy.

These events are held from Cotswold Cycles
3 Cotswold Link, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, GL56 0JU

Telephone: 01608 650933

Looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible for these fab new events 👌🚴‍♀️