Minutes from Committee Meeting 13th May 2024

Minutes from Committee Meeting 13th May 2024



A) Introductions & Apologies

Attendees: Simon Taylor, Marcus Hearle, Jeremy Griffiths, Laura Baskeyfield, Andrew Bray, Martin

Lewis (Ride Captain), Stewart Watson, Martin Lewis (Membership), Simon Richards, Henry Eve,

Rachel Davies

Apologies: Paul Flint, Simon Jones, Jason Holder

B) Approval of Previous Minutes


C) Review Matters Arising & Actions

i) Pricing for NCCC Casual wear (hoody) confirmed at £30.00. JG to gauge interest for this

from members via a poll on the clubs WhatsApp. JG also to arrange for a sample for

committee review and members to see before placing an order.

ii) No progress with venue options for Go-Ride. SW confirmed Upper Rissington was not an

option. LB to share the details of the BC –

“summer of cycling” grant, which offers up to

£250 for youth initiatives.

iii) Club jumble sale went well. £307 donated to Midland Air Ambulance, with the remaining

stock donated to Cyclists Fighting Cancer store.

iv) Members handbook / club constitution update is still a WIP. Committee to agree they

are happy with the wording before the AGM towards to end of the year.

v) Club ride leader spreadsheet in operation. BC RL1 course will take place on Saturday 13th

July for 10 club members. SJ to confirm the dates for longer Saturday 10:30 rides with a

café stop. ML to purchase additional first aid kits for Cotswold Cycles and the

Wednesday ride for the club to reimburse.

D) Chairman / Vice Chairman’s Report – Stewart Watson

i) CPR and Bleed Course with Midlands Air Ambulance was well attended. Feedback from

participants was positive.

ii) Club kit ordering window will remain at twice a year. However the committee agreed

that the club will purchase some stock (short sleeve jersey and caps) as a one-off order.

NCCC card reader to be left at the shop for purchases to be made against.

iii) Action plan now in place following club survey feedback – updates will be sent out in

due course.

iv) NCCC radio appearance will now be on Thursday 30th May.

v) Club social with a French “theme” to be held on Sunday 14th July, coinciding with TDF

mountain stage and Bastille Day. LB to organize with committee to include BBQ, KOM


vi) Saturday café ride frequently splitting into two groups due to large numbers. The

committee agreed to run the rides as it is – making leaders available for both groups. If

group is not split, then ride will default to slower speed. ML to respond to Jan on the


vii) Isobel Hunter has offered to lead rides of a historic interest on a ad-hoc basis. Dates still

TBC with IH.

viii) Active discussion on the enforcement of mudguards. NCCC Committee will inform

members when the rule is to be commence, and this rule will be enforced during the

period. The committee will also inform members when the rule ends. Any rider not

having a suitable mudguard will not be permitted to join rides

E) Club Secretary & Any Correspondence – Laura Baskeyfield

British cycling ride leader course will be held on Saturday 13th July at Oddington village hall. Final

details in progress.

F) Treasurer – Marcus Hearle

Updated club financial plan had been communicated to the committee prior to the meeting.

Club balance = £6,890

G) Ride Captain – Martin Lewis

It was noted that finding ride leaders was sometimes becoming a problem. Despite a strong “pool”

of ride leaders, the volume of rides currently going out is quickly absorbing them. Agreed to review

after the RL1 course in July. In the meantime, it was requested that any ride leaders in the current

WhatsApp group update their availability in the spreadsheet.

Following social media posts with regards to local cycling clubs ride etiquette, ML agreed to reiterate

rules around overtaking horses and pedestrians during one of the Sunday club rides.


H) Race Secretary – Jason Holder

I) Digital & Social Media Officer

J) Youth Development Officer

K) Welfare Officer – Simon Jones

L) Membership Secretary – Martin Lewis

Current club membership stands at: 188

71% Male / 24% Female / 5% unspecified

M) Social Secretary

HE offered to support with the organization of the club social event on the 14th July.

N) General Committee

Dates of next meeting and minutes to be uploaded to club’s website.

O) Future Events & Initiatives

P) AOB & Date of Next Meeting

Next Meeting = Monday 1st July 7pm @ Revolution Café, Cotswold Cycles