Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 9th September 2024

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 9th September 2024

A) Introductions & Apologies
Attendees: Simon Taylor, Marcus Hearle, Jeremy Griffiths, Laura Baskeyfield, Martin Lewis (Ride
Captain), Stewart Watson, Simon Jones, Rachel Davies
Apologies: Jason Holder, Andrew Bray, Henry Eve, Simon Richards, Martin Lewis (Membership), Paul
B) Approval of Previous Minutes
C) Review Matters Arising & Actions
i) Pricing for NCCC Casual wear (hoody) confirmed at £30.00. JG also to arrange for a
sample for committee review and members to see before placing an order – still
ii) No progress with venue options for Go-Ride. ML (Membership) suggested site outside
Moreton, along Todenham road. Simon Jones to investigate this site. JG to pick up fire
service college site with William Paul, club member, to investigate if this is a viable
option for the club to pursue again.
iii) SJ has issued the club constitution to committee members with mudguard “rule”
included. Committee have agreed to the wording. This is now ready for distribution in
advance of the AGM.
iv) Ride Leader course on the 13th July all went well. Feedback from participants was very
v) Club ride leader spreadsheet in operation. This has marginally improved with the new
ride leaders. Ride owners of each group will be communicated to club members.
vi) Treasures report – included update on club kit outlay (~£1200). All caps have now sold,
only 4 tops remain. Most sales to club members.
vii) Local race list – still pending. HE to provide an update, for going into the next racing
viii) Picnic ride very successful. Riders arriving timed extremely well. However, did clash
with HONC and a couple of club members were lost to this other ride.
ix) SW to contact Isobel Hunter on historic rides. More notice required for club members in
order for them to participate
D) Chairman / Vice Chairman’s Report
Chairman – Stewart Watson
i) Resignation of social secretary, Paul Fint, to general club committee member. Succession
plan to be agreed within the committee.
ii) Club Kit coordinator, Sam Davie, is no longer doing this role with BioRacer. New
contacts lead required. Process is for committee to agree when we open a window
(twice per year) and email BioRacer. JG to provide SJ with Russel’s details in order to
take on this role within the committee.
iii) Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 24th November
iv) BC Logo on NCCC website needs updating from HSBC branding. ML to contact Ian for
the logo to be updated on the clubs website.
v) Stewart Watson to resign as Chair, due to relocating up North in early October. SJ to
take over the position as chair in the interim period until AGM. SW will notify club
members via club WhatsApp group tomorrow (10/09/24).
Vice Chairman – Simon Jones
vi) SJ had received a mail from BC on ways to make the club more inclusive for people with
disabilities. SJ at attend the course in Swindon.
E) Club Secretary & Any Correspondence – Laura Baskeyfield
i) Monthly ladies rides are going well. ~15 people out turning out for the last one, with
50% wanting to ride the longer / faster option. Feedback from leaders, is riders are
more than capable for the Saturday café ride or Sunday group 3. Thanks to Isobel, Lisa,
Cath and Patricia for supporting with these rides.
ii) Will look to repeat the couch to 50K, starting in Jan 2025.
F) Treasurer – Marcus Hearle
Club balance = £5,995
Picnic ride = £375
G) Ride Captain – Martin Lewis
i) Rides have been busy and it’s been great to see club rides and the variety of rides so well
ii) ST to do a final grand day out in September. ML will link up with ST and advertise this on
iii) Gravel rides have now finished. Chain gang / pace line to continue with lights, at the
discretion of ride leaders.
iv) When rides are cancelled in the winter, the café will trial virtual rides on a turbo session
in the shop upstairs. Open this up for club members could come and do Zwift if they
wanted – 5+ bikes available.
v) Cancellation of rides due to weather will be agreed via club committee and
communicated by the Ride Captain.
H) Race Secretary – Jason Holder
I) Digital & Social Media Officer
J) Youth Development Officer
K) Welfare Officer – Simon Jones
L) Membership Secretary – Martin Lewis
i) Current club membership stands at: 209 (157 are British Cycling Members)
68% Male / 25% Female / 7% unspecified
M) Social Secretary – Henry Eve
N) General Committee
JG – Parish council meeting at Oddington, raised issues with cyclists within the village. ML to remind
riders to be courteous during ride briefings and ensure riders don’t get left behind.
ML – Been flagged that a picnic ride group had been spotted riding 3 abreast.
O) Future Events & Initiatives
P) AOB & Date of Next Meeting
Next Meeting = Monday 4th November 7pm @ Revolution Café, Cotswold Cycles