A) Introductions & Apologies
Attendees: Simon Taylor, Marcus Hearle, Jeremy Griffiths, Laura Baskeyfield, Andrew Bray, Simon
Jones, Martin Lewis (Ride Captain), Stewart Watson, Jason Holder, Paul Flint
Apologies:, Martin Lewis (Membership), Simon Richards, Henry Eve, Rachel Davies
B) Approval of Previous Minutes
C) Review Matters Arising & Actions
i) Club Affiliation status until 31st Dec 2024 confirmed with BC.
ii) CPR and Bleed Course with Midlands Air Ambulance will take place on the 23rd March.
15/20 places currently confirmed. Tea and Coffee will be provided in the village hall.
iii) Following club interest in NCCC Casual wear, JG will look into pricing options for
iv) Still looking at venue options for Go-Ride. SW to chase Upper Rissington.
v) Member club Kit order window has now closed. Kit will be delivered end March / early
vi) Next cycle jumble sale will be held on Saturday 4th May. SJ to organize.
vii) Club constitution update is still a WIP. SJ to provide a draft for review.
viii) Club ride leader spreadsheet has now been circulated. LB to add AB to ride leader
WhatsApp group and gauge interest in a further ride leader course.
D) Chairman / Vice Chairman’s Report – Stewart Watson / Simon Jones
• Annual club dinner was well received by members, with a sell out event at Cotswold Cycles
and ~£300 raised for Midlands Air Ambulance through the raffle. Feeback was extremely
positive, in particular regarding the food organized by The Revolution Café. The committee
agreed to continue with future events at the same location.
• Following the NCCC and Cotswold Cycles club survey and action plan will be put into place to
address some of the comments and suggestions that were put forward.
• SW will be appearing on North Cotswold Radio on Thursday 21st March, thanks to PF
organizing. PF was hopeful that this would lead to addition opportunities in the future.
• Provisionally agreed to hold a grand tour social event for the Tour De France on Bastille Day
– 14th July.
• The chairman agreed to park ordering of club kit for stock holding temporarily. In parallel
SW agreed to reach out to Sam to provide a breakdown of orders with regards to size and
get clarification on the club order window.
• Reliability ride will be held on Sunday March 24th
. PF to publish on social media.
• The Vice Chair proposed a longer 10:30 ride (~25 miles with a café stop) on the last Saturday
of every month. LB noted that this was the clubs introductory rides, so the ride leader must
be mindful of any new rider that may turn up for this
E) Club Secretary & Any Correspondence – Laura Baskeyfield
Ladies only C250K series had been a huge success, with ~15 people completing the full 8 weeks of
rides. To help increase the clubs female membership and keep momentum from the series, LB
proposed a monthly ladies only ride on the first Saturday of every month. Those attending must join
the club, for insurance purposes, and ride leaders to be provided for at least 2 groups. Depending on
the success, a further club social event in keeping with the Tour De Femme in August could be an
F) Treasurer – Marcus Hearle
Club financial plan had been communicated to the commute prior to the meeting.
The committee agreed to allocate ~£750 per year for ride leader / first aid course on an alternating
basis. The chairman proposed an increase of membership fees, from £10 to £15, which the
committee agreed.
JG suggested a gravel sportive as a revenue generating event.
G) Ride Captain – Martin Lewis
ML commented that it had been a difficult winter with regards to rides, and a number had
unfortunately been cancelled due to poor weather.
There had been some feedback on ride etiquette, with riders not meeting the advertised club ride
speeds. ML agreed to reiterate the ride speeds in the weekly ride comms.
H) Race Secretary – Jason Holder
JG looking to organize, both a Strava and Individual club challenge. The reliability ride will form the
base of this, with a challenge to tie in with the planned social events.
I) Digital & Social Media Officer
Updated photos are still required for the clubs website. Will aim to get a club picture in new kit at
the Reliability Ride in March.
PF to talk to ML with regards to new member communications.
J) Youth Development Officer
K) Welfare Officer – Simon Jones
L) Membership Secretary – Martin Lewis
Current club membership stands at: 171.
74% Male / 24% Female / 4% unspecified
M) General Committee
• ST offered to run a repeat of last years longer rides. Starting end of May.
• It was agreed that the following rides would provisionally be restarted: Paceline – 16th April,
Gravel – 18th April, Chain Gang – 19th April. All weather dependent.
• It was noted there was a requirement for a First Aid kit to be left in Kingham for availability
on the Wednesday rides.
N) Future Events & Initiatives
O) AOB & Date of Next Meeting
Next Meeting = Monday 13th May 7pm @ Revolution Café, Cotswold Cycles